Brushes for Roomba® e and i series (3 pcs)
These green extractors are suitable for iRobot® Roomba® e, J and i series. The extractors are used inside your brushmodule. Because of the circular movement they extract dirt from your floor. If used a long time or when it hits on some very sharp objects on its path the extractors can get damaged. They are easy to replace.
We advice you to remove the extractors from your machine regularly to clean out the dirt that sometimes will be stuck inside the extractors. Just remove the extractors and pull off the bearings on the sides of those extractors and clean out the dirt underneath. Just a little bit of maintenance will make your Roomba much longer.
This is an original iRobot product. Article code: 4624870
In the box:
1 extractor light green
1 extractor dark green